The Center's Family and Community Outreach Services provide supportive counseling and assistance to sort through a range of daily life problems. Members of our Social Service Team provide information & resource linkages, advocacy, and help with basic necessities like food, transportation, homelessness prevention and more.
Available on
Thursdays for walk-ins between 10 a.m to 2 p.m
The "Stone of Help" Clothing Closet is open to the public on: Thursdays from 10 a.m to 2 p.m. and at other times by appointment. Call (313) 635-3355
Our Clothing Closet provides FREE gently used, seasonal clothing for men, women, children and youth of all ages. Selections include clothing for work, special occasions, school uniforms for students and more.
A day camp experience that offers safe “out-of-school time” fun for children and youth, ages 5 thorugh 15. We offer an intergrated model that provides opportunities for experiential and participatory learning, adventure, academic enrichment and plain old Summer Fun.
The Center utilizes skill building activities that reinforce educational objectives, promotes pro-social behavioral skills and emotional learning, while building resilience in our youth.
The Ebenezer Trojans Basketball Program, under the direction of Coach Steve Davis, serves on the average of 20 youth on a continuous basis. The youth play in at least 3 leagues each year and continue to travel throughout the state for league games. These young Trojans continue to show positive behavioral changes and progress in school.
The Center also provides opportunities for involvement in hockey and other outdoor sports.
The EC-3 "Raising Youth Voices" program targets high school youth, ages 13 and above. Participants attend monthly meetings and receive mentoring and tutorial assistance designed to support positive social
development and academic performance. Youth are involved in a range of activities that aim to lift up youth voices through the arts, culture, heritage and youth-led projects that address youth wellbeing.
Youth who participate in the Center's local Michigan History Day Competition are eligible to compete for the Center's "Nia Imani Fullmore" History Day Award.
This project promotes economic empowerment for young adults, age 18 and above. Participants receive help to assess their level of job readiness, adult literacy issues and other obstacles to achieving their personal and career goals. Employment resources and other assistance is available to help young adults in their quest to achieve financial stability.
A Monthly Gathering for Older Adults, ages 55 and above. Offers fun activities, social support and friendship. Life Long Learning and Senior Outings Opportunities
We are dedicated to improving the lives of those in our community. Your contribution today helps us make a difference.